
Through research, training and rendering policy advice, conferences and seminars, case studies and publications, the ICSA aims to make significant contribution to civil services and public administration at the Union and State levels.


The Association aims to organise conferences/seminars/ workshops on contemporary themes and public policy issues with a view to bring together practising administrators and academia to evolve policy inputs for good governance.


The Association aims undertakes research in a large number of diverse areas that include economic and social policies, legal framework for administration at various levels, procedural and organizational change in government, citizen-centric administration, effective development of urban and rural areas, disaster management, consumer protection and welfare, poverty alleviation and gender studies. It aims to specialize in policy evaluations, service delivery and impact analysis studies.

Training and educational programmes

The Association aims to conduct learning programmes aimed at capacity enhancement. The Association aims to nurture close academic association with universities, research centres, training institutions and government departments. The Association also aims to organise a number of international training programmes for participants from developing and developed countries.

Dissemination of information

The Association aims to enrich the literature on Civil Services through research studies, proceedings of seminars /conferences and lectures, etc.